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메뉴Applying the concept of microaggression (widely used in multicultural psychology and counseling literature), the purpose of this study was to 1) develop and validate the Microaggression against Women Scale in the Workplace (MAWS) and 2) test whether a belief in a just world-self (BJW-self) would mediate the relationship between sexism experience in the workplace and depression. In study 1, based on the results of surveys and focus groups, we developed items for MAWS and conducted the exploratory factor analysis. Study 2 tested the construct validity through confirmatory factor analysis, and the results confirmed the 1-factor structure identified via exploratory factor analysis. Convergent and concurrent validities were also examined via correlations with measures of sexism experience, Hwa-byung, and depression. Lastly, study 3 suggested that BJW-self partially mediated the association between sexism experience and depression. We discussed ways to use MAWS and interventions related to BJW-self in clinical settings.
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