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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Relationship between social media and body image of women: Applying Self-Objectification Theory


This study investigated the relationship between social media use and negative body image with a basis on the self-objectification theory. In the self-objectification theory, women experience the objectification of their body in the socio-cultural context, leading to developing negative body image. This study considered the social media use as the objectification experience. We specified the behaviors of social media use as browsing and uploading behaviors, and tested a mediation model in which browsing and uploading predicted eating behaviors via body surveillance and body shame, respectively. Participants were 219 women in the 20s and 30s who were using Instagram. The body image-related Instagram uploading behaviors were measured by the number of selfie, and browsing behaviors measured by the number of body image-related accounts followed by the participants, such as accounts of female idol singer, female model, or fashion, beauty shopping mall. The results showed that uploading and browsing behaviors predicted restricted eating through different routes. Uploading behaviors positively predicted restricted eating via a serial mediation of body surveillance and body shame. Browsing behaviors directly predicted body shame, which, in turn, predicted restricted eating. Lastly, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

자기 대상화 이론, 신체 감시, 신체 수치심, 섭식 절제, 소셜 미디어, 업로딩, 브라우징, self-objectification theory, body surveillance, body shame, restricted eating, social media, browsing, uploading



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology