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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


An Examination of the Relationship Between the Meaning of Life and Resilience in Mothers of Children with Cancer: Focused on the Moderation Effects of Social Support


The purpose of this study was to explore the relations among the meaning of life, social support, and resilience in mothers of childhood cancer patients. To do this, the survey was conducted on 102 mothers of childhood cancer patients in Seoul and Gyeongnam area through Make-A-Wish Korea and Korea Childhood Cancer Parents Association. T-test and ANOVA for analysis on average difference in the variables, Pearson correlation analysis between the variables, stepwise multiple hierarchial regression analysis for exploring the relative influences, and hierarchial regression analysis for testing the moderating effect in relations between the variables were conducted using SPSS win 21. The results of this study were as follows: first, there were differences in the meaning of life according to degree of mothers and chemotherapy duration and the differences in social support were significant according to degree of mothers and age of children. Also, there were differences in resilience according to degree of mothers, disease duration, and chemotherapy duration. Second, resilience was mostly accounted for by the meaning of life as the individual variable, followed by social support as the social variable and disease duration of common disease-related characteristics. Third, the relation between the meaning of life and resilience was moderated by social support. Based on the results, the implications and limitations of this study and the suggestions for future studies were discussed.

mothers of children with cancer, resilience, the meaning of life, depression, social support, 소아암 환아 어머니, 회복탄력성, 삶의 의미, 사회적 지지



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology