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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Concept Mapping Analysis of Diet by College Female Students


Despite the reality that many people are doing diet, conceptualization of what diet people think of diet is not yet realized. In this study, we aimed to clarify the conceptual structure of diet recognition by using concept mapping analysis for female college students who ever diet before. For this purpose, 15 female college students from Seoul were selected as participants and their ideas on diet were collected and then the contents were classified into 68 statements. Then, based on the statement data classified by the participants, multidimensional scaling analysis and hierarchical clustering analysis were performed. As a result, a conceptual diagram of 8 clusters according to two dimensions was derived. Each cluster is divided into three categories: 'experience of failure to control food during diet', 'personal diet method', 'desire to fit idealized body image', 'personal motivation and goal to perform diet', ' Emotions', 'various failures experienced during diet', 'interpersonal problems caused by diet', and 'concept and definition of diet'. In addition, the two dimensions that classify the 8 clusters are the 'psychological factor dimension - experiential behavior factor' dimension and 'ideal behavior dimension – failure of psychological and behavioral control' respectively. Based on the significance level of each participant 's statements, the most important group of participant' s concept was 'Diet concept and definition'. Finally, the limitations of this study and suggestions for future research are suggested.

여대생, 다이어트 인식, 개념도 분석, female university student, diet concept, concept mapping analysis



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology