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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine whether perceived gender discrimination would be related to Hwa-byung and stability of self-esteem would moderate such a relationship. especially after controlling self-esteem. For this purpose, we administrated online survey in a sample of 240 women. The results of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that, in stage 1, self-esteem (covariate) was negatively related to Hwa-byung and, in stage 2, perceived gender discrimination was positively related to Hwa-byung while stability of self-esteem was negatively related to Hwa-byung. In addition, in stage 3, the interaction of perceived gender discrimination and stability of self-esteem was significant, which suggested that stability of self-esteem moderated the relationship between perceived gender discrimination and Hwa-byung. That is, the grater stability of self-esteem was, the effect of perceived gender discrimination on Hwa-byung decreased. Moreover, based on self-esteem and stability of self-esteem, we divided dataset into 4 groups and compared Hwa-byung scores among these groups. Low self-esteem and low stability of self-esteem group reported the highest Hwa-byung scores, followed by low self-esteem and high stability of self-esteem group, high self-esteem and low stability of self-esteem group, and high self-esteem and high stability of self-esteem group. By revealing that stability of self-esteem buffer the negative effect of gender perceived discrimination against Hwa-byung, this study highlights the importance of both self-esteem and stability of self-esteem.
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