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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine actor-partner interdependence effect of insecure adult attachment on marital quality through positive conflict resolution strategies and mediating effect positive conflict resolution strategies. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 281 pairs of pregnant couples in Seoul and Gyeonggi(total 562). APIM analysis was conducted through structural equation modeling for data analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, actor-effect of insecure adult affection on marital quality appeared. Second, actor-effect of insecure adult affection on positive conflict resolution strategy and the partner-effect of pregnant women were revealed. Third, positive conflict resolution strategies showed actor-partner interdependence effect on marital quality. Fourth, both actor-partner interdependence effect of the indirect path to insecure adult attachment on marital quality through the positive conflict resolution strategy were found. Based on the results of this study, suggestions for improvement of marital quality and positive conflict resolution strategies were suggested.
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