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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

A study on relationship between Gender Stereotypes and Couple Relationships Satisfaction of early adulthood woman: The Mediating Effects of Self-silencing and Sexual Assertiveness.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between gender stereotypes and the satisfaction of couple relationships in early adulthood women. In addition, tried to find out whether self-silencing, which suppresses their own thinking or behavior, and sexual assertiveness which expresses their intention in sexual context play a mediating role. For this purpose, we surveyed 355 unmarried women who are currently engaged in dating for more than 3 months, couple relationship satisfaction, gender stereotypes, self-silencing, and sexual assertiveness. As a result of the analysis, gender stereotypes did not directly predict the satisfaction of the couple relationship but it showed that the satisfaction of the couple relationship was influenced by the simple mediation of self-silence and sexual assertiveness. The dual mediation effect of self-silencing and sexual assertiveness was also proved to be significant. This study is meaningful in that it emphasizes the importance of women's voices in the process of women's thoughts and actions into forming a satisfying relationship. In addition, by examining the influence of stereotypes about gender on individual's relationship, presented directions for individuals and society to move forward.

성인 초기 여성, 연인관계 만족도, 젠더 고정관념, 자기침묵, 성적 자기주장, early adulthood women, couple relationship satisfaction, gender stereotypes, sexual assertiveness



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology