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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Comparative study of Multiple-role Experience and Adjustment among Cluster types of Multiple-role Coping Strategies


The present study explored multiple-role coping strategies(MCS) of working mothers with child(ren) under age 18, and examined group difference in situational context in work and family domains, personal characteristics, multiple-role experience and adjustment. A total of 271 working mothers participated in the study. Six-clusters were identified usiong cluster analysis based on participants’ scores on the MCS factors; “Role-detached Strategy Group(group 1), Coping within Family Group(group 2), Low Self-rewarding Group (group 3), Low Cognitive Restructuring Group(group 4), Active Coping Group(group 5) and Passive Coping Group(group 6). Significant differences among groups were found on observed variables. This study contributes to the understanding of various patterns in MCS and suggests effective interventions for each group in multiple role accomplishment. Finally, the implications and limitations of these findings and recommendable topics for future study are discussed.

다중역할, 대처전략, 유자녀 직장여성, 일- 가족, 군집분석, Multiple-role, Coping strategy, Working mothers, Work-family, Cluster analysis



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology