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메뉴This study examined the gender differences in marital satisfaction and in the relationships between husband’s and wife’s self-report and perceived spouse's relationship satisfaction. Data were collected from 126 married couples and were analyzed utilizing paired t-test, correlation analyses, and path analyses. The results of this study were as follows. First, husband’s self-report marital satisfaction was higher than wife’s self-report marital satisfaction. Second, husband perceived his wife’s marital satisfaction lower than his own, and wife perceived her husband’s marital satisfaction higher than her own. Third, the directional bias was not significant and the perception of spouse’s marital satisfaction was not significantly different from spouse’s self-report marital satisfaction. Fourth, the perceptual similarity bias was significant for both husband and wife. Fifth, the total direct perceptual accuracy was significant for both husband and wife. Sixth, direct perceptual accuracy in wife’s perceiving her husband’s marital satisfaction was significant, while direct perceptual accuracy in husband’s perceiving his wife’s marital satisfaction was not significant. The results of this study were discussed and the theoretical implications, practical implications, limitation of this study and suggestions for further study were included.
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