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메뉴In this study, we studied female college students to see how priming to ambivalent sexism effect self-objectification(body surveillance, body shame) and appearance management intention, and to examine whether self-objectification(body surveillance, body shame) mediates between priming to ambivalent sexism and appearance management intention. A total of one hundred and three participants completed a experiment, and randomly assigned to three conditions: hostile sexism condition, benevolent sexism condition, control condition. Due to the missing values, extreme measures and manipulation checks, seventy-four data were used for the analysis. First, body surveillance/body shame showed significant differences in the three conditions and participants in benevolent sexism condition was significantly higher than hostile sexism condition and control condition. Appearance management intention, on the other hand, showed marignally significant differences in the three conditions, and participants in benevolent sexism condition was marginally significantly higher than hostile sexism condition, but control condition didn't show significant differences from the two conditions. Second, body surveillance/body shame mediated between priming to ambivalent sexism and appearance management intention. Based on the results of these studies, the proposals for the implication, limitations and subsequent studies were discussed. Also, the implication of counseling that when counseling client who show anxiety about her appearance, counselor help client exploring the level of ambivalent sexism and self-objectification were discussed.
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