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메뉴This study has investigated the mediating effects of heterosexual dating experiences on the relations between self-construals and marital values of 266 single males and females (134 males and 132 females) in their 20s and early 30s. As a result, first, significant differences were observed in self-construals, marital value, and dating experiences according to demographic variables such as gender, education, and economic level. Second, as a result of examining the main factors for predicting marital intention, the heterosexual dating experience, educational level, and marital values predicts marital intention significantly. The marriage intention was high. Third, as a result of conducting path analysis to verify the mediating effect of dating experience in the relationship between self-construals and marriage value of single males and females, interdependent self-construals influenced marital values through the experience of heterosexual relationship. Independent self-construals, on the other hand, had a direct effect on conservative marrital values. The results of this study showed that marital values differed according to the types of self-construals, and interdependent self-construals predicted the formation of a positively positive marital-values through a healthy dating relationship experiences.
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