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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Development and Validation of the Ambivalent Attitudes toward Marriage Scale for Unmarried Korean Women


By focusing on the notion of ambivalence in attitudes, which has been a focus of social science field, the purpose of this study was, to develop and validate the Ambivalent Attitudes toward Marriage Scale for Korean Unmarried Women (AAMS). For this, based on the literature review and the results of the open-ended questionnaire, and through expert review, we developed 23 items for AAMS. Then, we conducted exploratory factor analysis in a sample Korean unmarried women who were in a heterosexual relationship and found 2-factor structure, 18 items. We also tested the construct validity through confirmatory factor analyses in two different samples, and the results reconfirmed the 2-factors structure, 18 items. In addition, convergent and concurrent validities were examined via correlations with measures of marriage intent, marriage attitudes, fear of intimacy, and avoidant attachment. Based on our study results, we discussed academic implication, ways to use AAMS, and suggestions for future research.

marriage, ambivalent attitudes, development of scale, validation, 결혼, 양가태도, 척도개발, 타당화



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology