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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A validation study of Mental Health Two-Factor Model : In a Sexual Minority Population


In this study, we aimed to verify the validity of the mental health two-factor structure for a group of sexual minority(LGB) in South Korea. To this end, 464 people who were recruited from the Queer portal site completed K-MHC-SF (Korean Mental Health Continuum-Short Form), K-MDI (Korean Mental Disorder Inventory), and LGBIS (The Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identity Scale). To compare model fit, we then conducted a Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA) of the study and competition models. Based on this, We investigated one-way ANOVA and Post-hoc analysis whether mental health groups differ in psychosocial adaptations in terms of sexual minority identity depending on Keyes(2002)'s classification of mental health groups. CFA revealed that in comparison to the one-factor model and independent two-factor model, the correlated two-factor model was best fit. One-way ANOVA revealed significant differences in various LGB Identity related variables according to mental health groups. Post-hoc analysis indicated the complete mental health group showed the best results regarding psychosocial adaptation, and the pure mental illness groups had a better level of psychosocial adaptation than the pure languishing group. Lastly, the importance of positive mental health research and intervention for sexual minority populations was discussed.

정신건강, 정신건강 2요인 모델, 긍정심리학, 성소수자, 동성애, mental health, two continua model, positive psychology, sexual minority, homosexual



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology