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Study of the Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention Activation in the Performing Arts

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2012, v.10 no.10, pp.45-57
Jeong, Je-Yoon
Park, Hyeon-Suk
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Purpose - This study was conducted to evaluate service quality, perceived value, and satisfaction in the performing arts in order to establish a system of relationships that predicts repurchase intention, which increasingly needs to be studied as the domestic performing arts market grows. Research design, data, and methodology - Another purpose of this study is to identify 'work-related factors' and 'performing-arts-related factors' in the performing arts industry, and to observe the influence of the core SQ factors expected to influence audiences' purchase intentions through perceived value and customer satisfaction. The empirical study to test the hypothesis was based on a review of the literature and employed the survey method; data were collected from a total of 500 audience members. Results - The major results of the analysis are as follows. First, in terms of quality factors affecting perceived value, literary quality, level, professionalism, and musical quality were shown to have a significant influence as key factors from the performing arts perspective, while reliability, convenience, and related costs were indicated to exert a significant influence as additional factors related to work. Secondly, the quality factors with a significant influence on customer satisfaction were literary quality, professionalism, and musical quality, which were shown to have a significant influence from the performing arts perspective, while only reliability was indicated to exert a significant influence on work-related factors. Third, perceived value was shown to have a strong positive (+) influence on customer satisfaction, with both perceived value and customer satisfaction exerting a significant influence on the revisit intention. Finally, according to the results a difference analysis with demographic variables, viewing variables as moderating variables, differences according to gender were indicated in the influence of literary value and lel on perceived value, and in the influence of convenience and professionalism on customer satisfaction as well. Also, in terms of the influence of perceived value on customer satisfaction, males were found to be more influenced than females. Conclusions - Based on the above results, the suggested implications of the present study are as follows. First, through the consideration of not only the crucial work perspective in performing arts services, which has been inadequate in the past, but the additional performance-related level, the previously unevenly distributed viewpoints were expanded for application. Second, in verifying the relationship between expanded quality factors and the factors that determine consumer behavior while simultaneously considering key factors and additional related factors, work-related service quality factors were shown to exert a stronger influence on perceived value and customer satisfaction than performance-related factors. Third, for service factors related to performance, the reliability factor exerts an influence on perceived value and customer satisfaction, requiring that a performance planner secure and manage diverse channels to immediately support customer requests in providing performance theater services.

Performing Arts, Work-related Factors, Performing-Arts-Center Related Factors, Service Quality



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The Journal of Distribution Science