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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The Impact of Marketing and Brand Value on the Long-Term Purchasing Behavior Regarding Industrial Goods

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2013, v.11 no.5, pp.25-31
Yang, Hoe-Chang
Moon, Yoo-Ho
Khan, Tasnuva


Purpose - This study aims to determine the effects of marketing factors on the long-term purchasing behavior regarding industrial goods, using data from wholesalers and retailers. Research design, data, and methodology - We used multiple regression analysis and 3-step regressions to investigate causality. We used 177 questionnaires targeting wholesalers and retailers of industrial goods. Results - First, long-term purchasing behavior is positively related only with advertising and marketing factors. Second, the relationship between marketing factors and brand value show that the physical environment, word-of-mouth advertising, and publicity are positively related, except advertising and sales promotion, respectively. Third, brand value and long-term purchasing behavior are positively related. Finally, brand value is not a mediator between marketing factors and long-term purchasing behavior. Conclusion - This study suggests that industrial goods providers should use marketing strategies that are different from those used in the consumer market. Further, if they want to maintain long-term relationships, they should increase their brand value.

Industrial Goods Market, Marketing Communication, Brand Value, Long-Term Purchasing Orientation



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The Journal of Distribution Science