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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The Influence of Using Intention by G4C Smart Application Service Characteristics: Comparing Korea and China

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2014, v.12 no.11, pp.85-100
Chang, Hui-Qiang
Kim, Hwa-Kyung
Lee, Jong-Ho


Purpose - Recently, the prevalence of high-speed mobile communication technology (4G) and mobile devices (smart phones, tablet PC, etc.) is leading innovative changes across all fields in society as well as business environments. Furthermore, a diversified mobile application service has spread rapidly through mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet PCs. Accordingly, the traditional E-government services paradigm has rapidly changed into mobile intelligence. To identify the influencing factors on the using intention of G4C smart app services, based on previous studies, the variables that influence using G4C smart app services are defined; these are user cognitive factors (perceived usefulness, perceived easiness), user characteristics factors (user innovativeness, self-efficiency, social influence), service quality factors (convenience, interactivity, accessibility), and system quality factors (instant connectivity, safety). Research design, data, and methodology - This is designed not only to collect data with a questionnaire survey (9/22/13~10/23/13) but also to test hypotheses with SEM by SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 in both Korea and China. All items are used with Likert 5 scales. A total of 643 questionnaires (Korea 318, China 325) are used. Results - The perceived usefulness and perceived easiness in user cognitive factors have positive influence on using intention. The user innovativeness, self-efficiency, and social factors in user characteristics factors have positive influences on using intention. The convenience, interactivity, and accessibility in service quality factors have positive influences on both reliability and using intention. Safety in system quality has positive influence on both reliability and using intention. Reliability has positive influence on using intention. The control variables (Korea and China) affect its control hypothesis. Strategies and implications are suggested to assist the public using the intention of smartphone's e-government services based on the results of the empirical analysis. The mobile application service can be considered a new emergence of the paradigm just like the government's on-line portal websites appeared in the past. Under this prevailing situation of mobile smart devices, to promote the success of e-government mobile APP services, accurate analysis and understanding of users should precede anything, to provide services to grasp and satisfy users' desire properly. Conclusions - This study proposes implications to help E-governmental officers and companies make strategies. First, this is expected to give some information on the understanding and knowledge regarding the process of G4C smart APP service based on the empirical study. Second, this helps to make future policies and ways about E-government G4C smart APP service. Third, it is proved that super speed mobile communication technology and devices including phones will be crucial to change the structure of E-government services in 2-3 years. Fourth, it is necessary to increase the trust and using intention of users. Fifth, considering what type of environment users are placed in, to present proper public information matching their inclination, is important. Finally, various ways of experiencing service to explore potential users and ceaseless public relations are required.

E-Government Service, G4C, Smart APP Service, E-Government Smart APP Service



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The Journal of Distribution Science