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The Effects of Self-Referencing and Counteractive Construal on Consumption Goal Reversion

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2014, v.12 no.3, pp.7-15
Choi, Nak-Hwan
Liu, Cong
Mu, Peipei
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Purpose - This study aims to explore the factors that can trigger the escalation of an initially pursued long-term utilitarian goal that is set aside to pursue a competing hedonic goal. Research Design, Data, and Methodology - The experimental study covered three groups : Group 1 (ego-depletion, self-referencing), Group 2 (ego-depletion, neutral), and Group 3 (no ego-depletion, neutral). The participants of the study comprised 150 undergraduates who were divided into three groups of 50 students for each. One-way ANOVA and regression analyses were used to verify the hypotheses. Results - Ego-depleted consumers are less likely to resist immediate temptation than those who are not in an ego-depletion state. Self-referencing has a positive impact on long-term goal reversion when consumers in an ego-depletion state experience immediate temptations. Counteractive construal plays a mediating role between self-referencing and long-term goal reversion. Conclusions - We found that consumers tend to yield to momentary temptations when they are in an ego-depletion state. Self-referencing and counteractive construal can eliminate the ego-depletion effect and then facilitates escalation of the set-aside long-term goal.

Counteractive Construal, Ego-Depletion, Goal Conflict, Goal Reversion, Self-Referencing



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The Journal of Distribution Science