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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

A Study on Relationship Between Psychological Ownership & Customer Satisfaction in Service Enterprise Employees

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2016, v.14 no.3, pp.93-101
Lee, Jung-Lim
Kim, Hyoung-Gil
Kim, Jae-Gyun


Purpose - Due to the heavy reliance on the human dependence, several factors such as attitude, behavior, emotional status and the quality of the service by the employees have been a decisive effect on the existence of a business in service industry. This study made use of the cases from the beauty salons in Korea, and tried to find out the meaningful results with following purposes. The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of psychological ownership with focusing on the employees in service industry. Therefore, this study is based on the literature reviews in the fields of psychological ownership, regulatory focus, and customer satisfaction. In particular, this study focuses on the regulatory focus with two parts. The two parts are composed of the promotion focus and prevention focus. Also, the relationship between the regulatory focus on employee and customer satisfaction was identified through empirical study. Mediating effects of regulatory focus were also studied, that is, the regulatory focus was on the relationship between psychological ownership and customer satisfaction. In conclusion, practical and intellectual implications were discussed for the growth and development in service industry. Research design, data & methodology - The survey for this study was conducted from November 15th to December 15th in 2015. The same amount of survey was given to both, the service providers and customers. For both of them, such as the service providers and customers, 260 questionnaires were distributed to them in total. After excluding the missing and unreliable responses for the exact analysis and process, 250 responses were collected and used in the research analysis. This study conducted a survey questionnaires, and the confirmatory analysis was used for the reliability and validity in this study. SPSS & AMOS programs were used for the analysis. Results - The first variable that was looked at from this study is the psychological ownership. The psychological ownership had positive effects on the performance both in improving focus and prevention focus. It indicates that this study supports the results from the previous studies. Second, the effects on the performance in improving focus and prevention focus for customer satisfaction were studied. As a result, the performance in improving focus had positive effect on customer satisfaction, but prevention focus did not have any positive effect. Third, this study looked at the mediating effect of regulatory focus on the relationship between the psychological ownership and the customer satisfaction, and only partly, they had positive effects on customer satisfaction. Conclusions - The results of this study showed that the psychological ownership has positive effects on regulatory focus both in performance improving focus and prevention focus. However, the mediating effects had partial positive effects on customer satisfaction and these results indicate that the service enterprises should focus on the employees' psychological ownership in order to maximize the customers' satisfaction.

Psychological Ownership, Regulatory Focus, Customer Satisfaction



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The Journal of Distribution Science