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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The Effects of Franchise Hotel Leader's Emotional Leadership on Satisfactional Effectiveness : Focused on the Antecedents of Emotional Leadership and the Mediating Effects of Trust

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2016, v.14 no.4, pp.39-46
Chong, Kyong-Hoon
Hwang, Il-Young
Lee, Nam-Gyum


Purpose - Recently, as Korean culture and economy develops, Seoul has become a world-famed city. In Seoul, many special grade hotels have been constructed in order to accommodate many tourists from China, Japan and many other Asian countries. And the hotels entered into competition among themselves. Thus many changes are accelerated due to their mutual competition and manpower problems. In this situation, the role of higher officers above all is thought to be very important in order to enhance the management result and to make preparations for the kernel ability of the organization. Research design, data and methodology - This study was intended to verify how the leadership of the higher officers based on trust affects the job satisfaction of employees of the organization. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, some study models and hypotheses have been established through theoretical examinations. The subjects of this study were centered on the constituents of C-Hotel, M-Hotel, and D-Hotel. 200 questionaries were distributed and 190 questionaries were collected and thus the collection ratio was 91 percent. 8 questionaries which were regarded to be insincere or hard to analyzed were excluded. Finally, 182 questionaries were used for analyzing the factors and trust. For the purpose of the verification of hypotheses, structural equation was used. In order to verify the mediating effect of trust between the relationship of emotional leadership and job satisfaction, 'Three-step Mediated Regression Analysis by Baron & Kenny(1986) was utilized. The four hypotheses for this study are as follows: First, emotional leadership will have a meaningful influence on trust in the affirmative. Second, trust will have a meaningful influence on job satisfaction in the affirmative. Third, trust will play a mediating role in the relationship of emotional leadership and job satisfaction. Result - First, the emotional leadership and trust was found to effect a positive effect. Second, the trust and job satisfaction was found on a positive effect on job satisfaction. Third, the emotional leadership and job satisfaction was found to positive effect on job satisfaction. Fourth, the trust in the relationship between emotional leadership and job satisfaction was found that the partial mediating effect. Especially, in the case of the business of hospitality, human services as well as material resources become its keynote, and we can safely say that the degree of dependence toward human resources is very high. Accordingly, the leaders should display their leadership on the basis of abundant emotional and intellectual faculties so that they can grasp, understand and admit the diverse views of value and emotion of the organization constituents and that they can form emotional leadership. On the basis of the analysis results of the verification of hypotheses, some suggestions and uppermost limit of this study have been presented for further study.

Emotional Leadership, Trust, Job Satisfaction



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The Journal of Distribution Science