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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The Effects of Consumer Value Perception of PB on Product Loyalty and Repurchase Intention

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2018, v.16 no.1, pp.7-15
Yang, Hoe-Chang
Kim, Young-Ei


Purpose - This study aimed to identify the impact of consumers' perception of the value of discount store PB products on brand loyalty and repurchase intention and simultaneously check whether consumers showed a different position depending on gender difference and age. Research design, data, and methodology - For data collection, total of 174 valid copies of questionnaire were obtained for analysis. And simple regression, multiple regression and hierarchical moderated regression analysis was conducted for hypothesis verification and implication Results - It was found that functional, social and emotional value perceived by consumers had a positive impact on brand loyalty and repurchase intention. And it was found that consumers who were in a relatively lower age group were positive, in the relation between emotional value and repurchase intention only. Conclusions - It was suggested that consumers accept discount store PB products positively overall. Therefore, discount stores must not only need to develop their strengths in various parts of PB product beyond consumer's positive perception but also make efforts to raise the social awareness of the use of PB products. And they have to promote consumer decision making by concentrating on emotional factors take a different approach to consumers in a higher age group.

Discount Store, PB(Private brand), Value, Brand Royalty, Repurchase Intention



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The Journal of Distribution Science