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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Factors affecting Customer Relationship and the Repurchase Intention of Designed Fashion Products

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2020, v.18 no.2, pp.17-28
KHOA, Bui Thanh
NGUYEN, Truong Duy
NGUYEN, Van Thanh-Truong


Purpose: Human life is increasingly improved, so human needs are also growing more and more. One of the increasingly demanding industries is the fashion market. Fashion is an industry that produces essential items for human life, so manufacturers always need to know how to improve the relationship with customers, and make them repurchase. The study aims to discover the relationship between the factors that create a relationship with customers and the repurchase intention of designed fashion products. Research design, data, and methodology: The mix research method is applied to achieve research objectives. The qualitative research via the in-depth interview with 11 experts, and the quantitative research via the survey with 467 respondents was done in Ho Chi Minh city, the most developed city in Vietnam. Results: The research results point out that the fashion designer reputation, social media marketing, and the fashion store atmosphere have the positive impact on the relationship between the customer and fashion store, as well as the intention to repurchase of designed fashion products. In particular, customer relationship also affects the repurchase intention of designed fashion products positively. Conclusions: The study also proposed some managerial implications to develop a relationship with the customer and repurchase behavior of the customer in the fashion industry.

fashion designer reputation, social media marketing, fashion store atmosphere, percieved customer relationship, repurchase intention of a designed fashion products



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The Journal of Distribution Science