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The Influence of Service Recovery Justice on Intention to Recommend for Retailer

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2020, v.18 no.2, pp.91-98
SHIN, Yongsun
KIM, Moonseop
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Purpose: This research aimed to suggest retailing companies some ways to enhance customer satisfaction with service recovery and recommendation intention towards these companies. For this purpose, current study examined the relationships among service recovery justice, service failure severity, customer trust, recovery satisfaction and intention to recommend and the moderating role of ego-resilience. Research design, data and methodology: Current study developed a structural equation model in which perceived service recovery justice is a predictor, service failure severity, customer trust, recovery satisfaction are mediators, intention to recommend is a dependent variable and the ego-resilience is a moderator between the perceived service recovery justice and the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction. Data were collected from customers who experienced service failures from retailers. A total of 400 questionnaires were collected and 365 samples were used for analysis after deleting data having missing value. SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 24.0 were used to test the validity, reliability, and structural equation modeling. Results: Empirical results showed that the perceived service recovery justice had a negative influence on the perceived service failure severity and a positive influence on the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction. These results indicate that when customers perceive the service recovery justice more highly, they perceive the service failure less severe but they perceive the retailer more trustworthy and are satisfied with service recovery. In addition, the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction had a positive influence on the intention to recommend. These results indicate that when customers perceive the retailer more trustworthy and are satisfied with service recovery, they are more intend to recommend the retailer. Moreover, the influence of the perceived service recovery justice on the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction was moderated by the ego-resilience. Conclusions: This study contributed to the service recovery literature by proving the relationship among service recovery justice, service failure severity, customer trust, recovery satisfaction and intention to recommend. Moreover, current research introduced the ego-resilience into service recovery research area and revealed the moderation role of the ego-resilience. Managerially, this research suggested retailing companies some ways to effectively recover from service failure.

Customer Trust, Ego-resilience, Intention to recommend, Recovery Satisfaction, Service Recovery Justice



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The Journal of Distribution Science