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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Distribution information safety and factors affecting the intention to use digital banking in Vietnam

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2020, v.18 no.6, pp.83-91
NGUYEN, Dat Ngoc
NGUYEN, Dat Dinh


Purpose: Research on the behavior of using digital banking services plays an important role for banks in the context of increasingly competitive banks, not only for domestic banks but also for foreign banks. Along with the development of science and technology brings new approaches to banking industry, digital banking increases the effectiveness of banking activities. Besides, information safety brings different feeling about digital banking system. Therefore, this research evaluates the relationship between Information safety and Intention to use banking services in Vietnam. Research design, data and methodology: With 329 Vietnamese customers using digital banking, reliability test, and structural equation model (SEM) analysis method. Results: the research shows that information safety has directly effects on perceived ease of use (PU), perceived risk (RIS) of customers to digital banking services. Perceived trust (TRU) has a negative impact on RIS. Perceived of usefulness (PEU) has a positive impact on attitude towards service (ATT), and RIS has a negative impact on ATT. RIS, PEU, ATT, convenience and enterprise image have positive effects on intention to use digital banking service. Conclusions: From the research results, the authors also propose some recommendations to enhance the intention to use digital banking services in Vietnam.

Distribution information safety, intention to use, digital banking



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The Journal of Distribution Science