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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

What are the Factors that influence the Revitalization of the Health and Beauty Stores in Distribution Channels?

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2021, v.19 no.12, pp.103-114
LEE, Hyuk-Jin
SEONG, Myeong-Hee


Purpose: This study was conducted with the goal of increasing research interest in H&B stores as a new distribution channel to identify factors influencing the revitalization of the H&B stores in Korea in distribution channels, in detail, the relationships among perceived values, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. Research design, data and methodology: With 499 respondents, this study used exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis to verify the reliability and validity of measured variables. Multiple regression was employed as a statistical method for the hypotheses of the study. Results: According to the results of the analysis, H&B stores are targeted by female customers in their 20s and 30s. The findings showed that four perceived values affect store satisfaction and trust. Store satisfaction and trust have positive effects on loyalty. Comparing the two variables, store satisfaction had a slightly stronger effect on loyalty than on trust. Conclusions: This study identified the store’s diverse values for the revitalization of the H&B stores need to provide to customers. The stores need to form facilities that can enhance the value of shops perceived by customers, and to establish distribution strategies that can further increase store satisfaction, trust, and loyalty to expand trading areas as multi-brand shops.

Cosmetics Distribution Market, H&amp, B Store, Distribution Channel, Store Revitalization, Distribution Strategy



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The Journal of Distribution Science