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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

National Brand, Tourism and Human Development: Analysis of the Relationship and Distribution

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2021, v.19 no.12, pp.33-43


Purpose: This paper aims to determine features of the relationship between human development, tourism and national brand. Research design, data and methodology: ranking indicators, cluster analysis, K means method, correlation analysis. Results: The analysis covers data for 95 countries for 2019. The number of countries is justified by the availability of comparable data for calculations. A direct relationship between the indicators for the entire sample has been revealed in the result of the correlation analysis. However, this relationship has not been confirmed for the groups of countries that were formed through the cluster analysis. Spearman Rank Order and Kendall Tau Correlations have been calculated for the five obtained clusters. In two of the five clusters, the relationship between the indicators has not been found. A strong negative link between all the indicators has been detected in the cluster with average index values. A strong positive link between TTCI and BSI has been revealed in the group of countries with the best index values. A strong positive link between TTCI and HDI has been found in the group of countries with the worst index values. Conclusions: The analysis demonstrates that there is a relationship between BSI, TTCI and HDI, and while this link is observed for the sample as a whole, it is not homogeneous for groups of countries.

National Tourist Brand, Human Resources Development, Brand Strength Index (BSI), Travel &amp, Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI), Human Development Index (HDI), Relationship And Distribution Between Indicators



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The Journal of Distribution Science