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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Influence of Global Competitive Capability on Global Performance of Distribution Industry in South Korea

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2021, v.19 no.12, pp.83-89
KIM, Boine
KIM, Byoung-Goo


Purpose: Purpose of this study is to empirically analyze influence of global competitive capability on global performance of distribution industry in South Korea. Also based on the empirical results, give managerial implication to distribution industry and contribute to academies of management. Research design, data and methodology: This study focuses on relationship analysis between global competitive capability and global performance. This study measured global competitive capability with three concepts; human capability, network capability and product/service capability. And measured global performance with export performance. To empirically analyze relationship between variables, this study used 2,316 data of GCL Test by KOTRA and Kdata. This study used SPSS26 and analyzed frequency, reliability, correlation and stepwise regression analysis. Results: Result shows that, in control variable, business period and business field give significant positive influence on export performance. Among antecedents, human capability and network capability give significant positive influence on export performance. However, product/goods/service was not significant. Due to significant influence of business field which is categorical variable. This study additionally analyze relationship by business field group to confirm whether relationship differ by group or similar. Conclusions: Based on the results, this study try to give implication to distribution industry management and contribute to academic.

Global Competitive Capability, Human Capability, Network Capability and Product/Service Capability, Export Performance, Distribution Industry



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The Journal of Distribution Science