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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

The impact of Marketing Communication Content Distributed on Social Networks on Electronic Word-of-Mouth

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2022, v.20 no.5, pp.65-74
VO, Minh Sang
HUYNH, Dung Quoc Vu
NGUYEN, Giang Huong
DANG, Giang Ha Nguyen
HUYNH, Duong Dai
LE, Bao Quang
DANG, Nhut Minh


Purpose: This paper evaluates which characteristics of marketing communication content distributed on social networks impact electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM). Research design, data, and methodology: Quantitative research was carried out on 637 Vietnamese people aged from 18, who were exposed to marketing communication programs of fashion brands. Preliminary data were analyzed by the reliability of the scale, multivariate regression analysis, and analysis of variance. Results: The research findings have identified the four characteristics of social media content that positively impact e-WOM, including entertainment, interaction, trendiness, and customization. Participants aged 30 and under have a higher appreciation for media content and e-WOM than those from 31 and over. Conclusion: To promote e-WOM, marketing communication content distributed on social networks should focus on the following characteristics: (1) The entertainment of marketing communication content should involve positive emotions, fun, and enjoyment; (2) With interactive content, focus should be placed on discussion and exchange content, content that encourages sharing, and two-way interactive content; (3) For trending marketing communication content, marketers consider communicating brand-related latest information, up-to-date information, and hot discussion topics; and (4) When creating customized content, brands should be interesting, customized (information, product, price), and unique.

Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Characteristics of A Good Marketing Communication Content Distributed on Social Networks, The Entertainment of Marketing Communication Content, The Interactivity of Marketing Communication Content, Trending Marketing Communication Content, Customized Marketing Communication Content



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The Journal of Distribution Science