ISSN : 1738-3110
This study is for finding out the relationship between reactions on POP per consumer purchase trends and major factor for making final purchasing decisions after being exposed to POP from large supermarkets. The following results were obtained after the research. First, consumers displayed higher reaction scores on End-Cap in general among POP advertisements. The factors for making final purchase decision are in the order of function > price > brand for household electrical goods, price > design > function for sundry goods and design > price > function for clothing (including bedding). Second, the results of analyzing the differences based on age on impulsive purchase showed that the lower the age the higher the tendency. Unplanned purchase trend also showed higher when younger. The results of this study showed that there are discrepancies in the theory related with existing POP advertisements, that is, the theory that impulsive purchasers have higher POP responses.
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