ISSN : 1738-3110
The allotment rate for railway transportation keeps an yearly 6% in Korea. However, the railway logistics will cause the opposite result according to the continuous investment and logistics rationalization. The study on railway logistics as well as inter-Korean railway that might highly contribute to the development of railway logistics is not enough at all. The purpose of this paper is to study the revitalization strategy for inter-Korean railway by forecasting the demand and the scale of railway logistics depot. The revitalization strategies for inter-Korean railway through railway logistics depot are as followings. First, it is necessary to strengthen the partnership with coal user in the logistics depot. Second, it is encouraged to provide the financial assistance that are needed in the maintenance of the decrepit North Korea's track as well as the establishment of Donghae northern line that is from Gangneung to Jejin. Third, the railway cost on long/short transportation and large sized shipper is needed to apply in a flexible way. Fourth, it is necessary to obtain the railway traffic right by involving the foreign mining development. Fifth, it is encouraged to constantly find the small sized shipper like cement company.
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