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ISSN : 1229-0718
This study aims to examine longitudinally the relationships among false belief, early theory of mind, pretend play, and executive function, The subjects were 36 children(mean age: 34.58 months at the beginning) who were measured early theory of mind and pretend play at time 1(29-39 months), executive function at time 2(41-51months) and false belief and pretend play at time3(45-55 months). According to the results of partial correlations controlled age and PPVT and multiple regression analysis, the most important predictors for the false belief were decontextualization level 2 and 5 of pretend play at the time 1. Pretend play at time 3 was not correlated with the false belief. The early theory of mind tasks were correlated with executive function, but not with false belief. Pretend play at both time1 and time3 was not correlated with executive function. These results suggest that pretend play at young age would facilitate development of meta-representational theory of mind later.
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