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Unrealistically optimistic beliefs in young children: relation to psychological adjustment


The purpose of this study is to reveal the developmental difference in UOB(unrealistically optimistic beliefs) of the future and the relationship between UOB and psychological adjustment. In Study 1, 54 young children (age: M=4,3) and 47 older children (age: M=7,7) reported their UOB. The results revealed that young children had higher tendency of UOB. In Study 2, 54 young children in Study 1 and their mothers reported Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance, Child Behavior Checklist(CBCL) and Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire(PARQ). The results indicated that children with high optimism showed higher positive perception of self. In the group with high UOB, parents with undifferentiated denial parenting style had less impact on the child’s problem behaviors. This study examines UOB not as a psychological deficit but as a positive strength and proves that this trait brought psychological adjustment to children.

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