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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to examine the differential influences of various coping styles of life regrets on the SWB(subjective well-being) in old age. 300 older adults were participated in this study. The relationships among the frequency of life regrets experiences, the intensity of life regrets-related negative emotions experiences, SWB, geriatric depression were analysed. In results, the frequency of life regrets experiences and intensity of negative emotion experiences were negatively related with SWB but positively related with geriatric depression. The scale of measuring coping styles(adaptive goal disengagement, engagement of new goals, rumination of regrets) was developed in this study. Then, to examine differential influences of coping styles, the frequency of life regrets, the intensity of negative emotional experiences on the SWB in old age, hierarchical regression analysis was performed. Consequently, the frequency of life regrets, regret-related intrusive thoughts coping style had negative effects but engagement of new goal coping style had positive effects on the SWB of older men. In older women's case, the frequency of life regrets, intensity of negative emotion, regret-related intrusive thoughts coping style had negative effects but engagement of new goal coping style had positive effects on the SWB. However, adaptive goal disengagement coping style had no significant effect on the SWB although older adults used it very often. The important meanings of effective and coping styles and the psychological adaptation in old age were discussed.
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