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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined a mediating effect of internalized stigma and a moderated mediating effect of ethnic identity in the relationship between perceived discrimination and self-esteem among multicultural children in Korea. A total sample of 131 4-6th grade children (59 boys and 69 girls) completed a survey. We found that multicultural children’s perceived discrimination was significantly and negatively associated with self-esteem. Internalized stigma mediated this association. This mediation effect of perceived discrimination on self-esteem through internalized stigma was moderated by ethnic identity. Specifically, the children who scored low on ethnic identity were more likely to internalize stigma against their race and ethnicity when they experienced more frequent discrimination. That, in turn, led to lower levels of self-esteem. We included the importance of exploring multicultural children’s internalized stigma and ethnic identity in school and psychotherapy when they experienced unfair treatment and discrimination inside and outside of school.
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