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The Effects of Instagram Viewing Activity, Body Comparison, and Body Satisfaction on Self-Esteem of Female Undergraduate Students


The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of Instagram viewing activity, body comparison, and body satisfaction on the self-esteem of 219 female undergraduate students who participated in this study. They responded to questionnaires regarding Instagram viewing activity, body comparison, body satisfaction, and self-esteem. The main results of this study follow. First, Instagram viewing activity had an indirect effect on self-esteem through body comparison. Second, Instagram viewing activity indirectly influenced self-esteem through body comparison and body satisfaction. Specifically, increased Instagram viewing activity corresponds to increased levels of comparing one’s body to another’s. Further, body comparison decreases body satisfaction and, ultimately, diminished levels of body satisfaction lead to a decrease in self-esteem. In conclusion, this study offers the foundation for counseling aimed at preventing women’s eating disorders caused by decreased body satisfaction.

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