ISSN : 1229-0718
This study explored the effects of grit on emotional, psychological, and social well-being(well-being indicators that form “mental well-being”) and examined whether career calling and job-seeking stress mediate these relationships. The participants were 339 currently unemployed young adults(mean age=22.6, SD=2.7). Grit directly predicted young adults’ emotional, psychological, and social well-being. In addition, career calling significantly mediated the relationships between grit and psychological and social well-being, except that of grit and emotional well-being. Job-seeking stress mediated the relationships between grit and the three types of well-being. These results showed that not only does young adults’ grit promote various states of well-being by strengthening career calling but also by alleviating job-seeking stress. We further discussed the implications of grit for young adults who face various uncertainties and instabilities and its role in career development and the maintenance of well-being.
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