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ISSN : 1229-0718
Contrary to common belief, parent support in homework does not always lead to positive results. Uninvited, parent-initiated, and controlled parent homework support deceases children’s academic motivation and achievement. In the current study, we examined whether perceived intrusive parent homework support predicted children’s beliefs about the malleability of intelligence, called theory of intelligence. We also examined the reverse relationship: whether children’s theory of intelligence predicted perceived parent intrusive homework support. In a year-long prospective longitudinal study, we examined 1,374 middle school students. Results showed that students who perceived a higher level of intrusive parent homework support tended to believe that their intellectual ability was fixed (fixed mindset) six months later. However, perceived intrusive parent homework support did not predict theory of intelligence after the 6-month period. This finding adds to the understanding of the antecedent of theory of intelligence during adolescence, suggesting the need for a parent education program that highlights the importance of autonomy when supporting adolescents’ homework.
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