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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Longitudinal Analysis of the Reciprocal Effects of the Perceived Career Barrier and the Career Aspiration of Academically Excellent Female Students


Our goal in the present study was to evaluate possible reciprocal effects that may exist between the perceived career barrier and the career aspiration of the academically excellent female students in Korea. We used time-structured longitudinal data in order to identify the relative reciprocal influences that may exist between these two variables within an autoregressive cross-lagged modeling framework. Longitudinal data were collected from junior-high or high school students in Korea over 3 years. In the first year of this study, four hundred and thirty five students participated in the present study, 378 students in the second year, and finally 355 students in the third year. We used an autoregressive cross-lagged panel design with three waves of data. Result of the stability coefficient, reflecting the auto-regressions of each variable showed that the perceived career barrier and the career aspiration of academically excellent female students were significantly stable. In addition, the positive cross-lagged effects of the career barrier and the career aspiration were found between career barrier (T1) → career aspiration (T2), and career aspiration (T2) → career barrier (T3). The findings of cross-lagged effects indicated the reciprocal effects between two variables in stead of the unidirectional effect of career barrier to career aspiration. Suggestion for differentiated interventions for academically excellent female adolescents and implications for future studies were made.

우수 여자청소년, 진로장벽, 진로포부, 종단분석, Excellent female adolescents, career barriers, career aspiration, longitudinal analysis



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology