This article examined a gender-based differntial relationship between psychological protective/risk factors, family factors, and adolescent Internet use. The daily login duration, main login area, the presence of specific family members, and the level of protective/risk factors of 657 adolescents were assessed. The multiple regressions of protective/risk factors and family factors to login duration and the logistic regression of protective/risk factors and family factors to login content were studied. The results showed that the girls' Internet login duration was negatively related to perceived peer support, social competence, anger control, and the existence of elder sisters in the semester. The girls' Internet login duration vacations was negatively related to peer support, family support, and the existence of elder sisters and younger brothers. The results for the boys did not display a significant relation between the protective/risk factors, family factors, and Internet login duration for both periods: semesters and vacations. The results of logistic regression indicated that the girls' login to specific websites was not related to any family factors, but their chatting and game use were related to low family support, their messenger use was related to the low family support and high problem-solving ability, and their web community use was related to high self-efficacy and low family support. The results indicated complicated results for the bots' relationship between protective/risk factors, family factors, and login content. The differential meaning and the role of Internet use based on gender and the importance of a gender-based apporach in the intervention and prevention of adolescent Internet use were discussed.
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