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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the differences of preschooler's and their divorced mother's mental health according to socio-economic class, that are 6149 poverty, 17699 latent poverty, and 17931 middle class. Results are as follows. First, preschoolers in middle class showed more internalizing and externalizing behavior problems and mothers in poverty are most depressed. Second, mothers in middle class were more abusive in parenting and their children showed more separation anxiety. Preschoolers in poverty and latent poverty showed no reactions in separation and reunion episode with their mothers. Third, the length of mother's rearing their child after divorce was negatively related to preschooler's externalizing behavior problem and their mother's depression. Social support was negatively related to mother's abusive parenting in poverty. On the other hand, social support was positively related to mother's depression in middle class. Economic support from ex-husband and the meeting between ex-husband and preschooler were positively related to preschooler's behavior problem and mother's depression in middle class.
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