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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Differences in Attributing of Blame and Responsibility in Sexual Violence according to Participants’ Gender, Victim’s Clothing Styles, and Alcohol Consumption


This study was to examine how perpetrators and victims in sexual violence were blamed according to participants’ gender, victim’s clothing style, and levles of alcohol consumption. In Study 1, the extent of provocativeness for the clothing styles, the intoxication level by drinking alcohol, and the applicability of nonstranger rape scenarios were validated through asking the participants (41 men & 47 women) to evaluate them. In Study 2, the other participants (479 men & 465 women) were randomly assigned into one of four clothing styles and one of four drinking levels to investigate the attributions of blame and responsibility about sexual violence. Participants’ age and rape myth, hostile sexism were controlled as covariates in analyzing data. The general findings were that men blamed the perpetrator more than women, while women blamed the victim more than men. In addition, both men and women tended to blame the victim more severely when the victim drank more and put on more provocative clothes. The findings suggest that men and women would stick to the sexual double standard.

alcohol consumption, blaming victim, clothing styles, perpetrator, victim, 성폭력 가해자, 성폭력 피해자, 옷차림, 음주량, 피해자 비난



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology