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메뉴This paper studies the specific mechanism on the affect that marital satisfaction, smartphone addiction, and attitudes toward infidelity has on internet infidelity. Martial satisfaction, which has been known as the variable that affects infidelity, and infidelity attitude has been set up as conjugal relations and individual variable. Considering the medium characteristic of the internet infidelity, we tried to see the effect of smartphone addiction variable on internet infidelity. A mediated moderation model was introduced, which included not only the effect that each variable has on internet infidelity, but also the effect that marital satisfaction has on internet infidelity through infidelity attitude. The data on internet infidelity, smartphone addiction, marital satisfaction and attitudes toward infidelity was collected from 531 married adults (male=264, female=267). After that, mediator effect on infidelity attitude and goodness of fit test of the research model has been verified. As a result, the research model set was found to be suitable for the collected data, and marital satisfaction had significant effect on internet infidelity through full mediation. Smartphone addiction also showed direct effect on internet infidelity. Also, as a result of examining the effect of the interaction between the infidelity attitude and smartphone addiction, significant interaction effect was shown. Based on these results, we suggested a specific mechanism on how the major variables that affect internet infidelity interact with each other, and how to predict internet infidelity. Also, we provided limits of this research and suggested future research direction.
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