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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Relation among Mother's Temperament, Depression, Parenting attitude and Child’s character


This study aims to analyze the effects of mother’s temperament and depression on a child’s character development, which is mediated by parenting attitude. One hundred and twenty three elementary students (boys=60, girls=63) and their mothers in seven different regions in Korea filled out questionnaires including TCI-RS, JTCI 7-11, PARQ/Control (Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire/Control), and Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI). Mother's Harm Avoidance (HA) temperament had a significantly positive correlation with Depression, but Persistence (P) temperament had a significantly negative correlation with Depression. Among mother’s temperament traits except Reward Dependence (RD), Novelty Seeking (NS) temperament had a positive correlation with aggression/hostility, indifference/negligence, and undifferentiated rejection of negative parenting attitude. HA temperament had a negative correlation with warmth/affection. It also had a positive correlation with the other negative parenting attitude. Mothers’ temperament, NS and HA had a negative correlation with child’s character, and P had a positive correlation with it. In terms of parenting attitude except for control, mother's depression had a negative correlation with warmth/affection, and it had a positive correlation with the other negative parenting attitudes. Among mother’s temperament traits except for RD, NS and HA had a positive correlation with child’s Self-Directedness (SD) and Cooperativeness (C). In addition, P had a negative correlation with SD and C of a child’s character. Mother’s Parenting Attitude had a significant correlation with child's SD and C character. It also had a positive correlation with warmth/affection attitude and negative correlation with every negative parenting attitude (i.e., aggression/hostility, indifference/negligence and control). In short, Mother’s Temperament and Depression mediated by parenting attitude affects child’s character. In addition, Mother’s Parenting Attitude had a direct effect on child’s character significantly, and mother’s temperament had a significant effect on child’s character indirectly. The significance and limitation of this study were discussed.

TCI, 어머니의 기질, 어머니의 우울, 양육태도, 자녀 성격, TCI, mother's temperament, mother's depression, parenting attitude, child's charact



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology