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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The relation between the Middle Class Married Middle-aged Women's Health Stress and depression, anxiety : Moderation effect of Ego-identify


This study set out to examine the daily life stress, depression, and anxiety levels of married middle-aged women and thus their adjustment to contemporary life. The study also aimed to investigate whether ego-identity could mitigate the negative effects of daily life stress on psychological adjustment and provide data needed to solve the issues experienced by married middle-aged women. For those purposes, the study conducted difference, correlation, and regression analysis with 294 married middle-aged women of 40-59 in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, and Chungnam Province. The findings were summarized as follows: their daily life stress, depression, and anxiety levels were relatively low with a good level of ego-identity, which leads to an inference that the married middle-aged women that participated in the present study did not have a big sense of crisis. There were negative correlations between daily stress and ego-identity and between ego-identity and depression and anxiety and positive correlations between daily stress and depression and anxiety. Health stress of daily stress and ego-identity especially had impacts on depression and anxiety. Health stress and ego-identity had significant effects on depress in the order, and ego-identity and health stress had significant effects on anxiety in the order. Finally, both health stress and ego-identity had significant interactions with depression and anxiety. When more specific interactive patterns were analyzed, the effects of health stress were significant only when their ego-identity was low. Based on those findings, the study discussed its significance and limitations.

married middle-aged woman, daily life stress, depression, anxiety, ego-identity, 중년 기혼여성, 일상생활 스트레스, 우울, 불안, 자아정체감



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology