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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Effect of Female College Students’ Stress on Mental Health: Mediating Effect of Social Support and Moderating Effect of Parent-Offspring Communication


This research examined the effects of stress on mental health of female college students, and in particular the mediating effect of social support and the role of parent-offspring communication on this mediating path. The data regarding daily stress, mental health, social support, and parent-offspring communication style were collected from 82 female college students with Daily Hassles Scale, Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, Social Support Scale, Parent-Adolescent Communication Inventory. Correlational analysis, ANOVA, regression and path analysis were conducted to examine the relationship between the variables and to test the hypotheses. Results indicated that female college students’ stress had negative effect on their overall mental health, and social support mediated this effect. Also the interaction between stress and open-communication with father in particular showed a statistically significant path to mental health via the mediating role of social support. This finding reflects the tendency that Korean fathers recently feel less uncomfortable to interact with their daughters, which is different with the traditional perspective. Especially, the results suggest that it is necessary to support female college students for improving open-communication with fathers to alleviate the effect of daily stress on their mental health.

stress, mental health, social support, parents-offspring communication, 스트레스, 정신건강, 사회적지지, 부모-자녀 의사소통



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology