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메뉴As women's social activities and multiple roles increase, the importance of education about gender role perception are growing. It is worth identifying the perception of preservice teachers because the influence of teachers is very large in education and they will teach the youth who also make a family in the future. Questionnaires were collected from 295 students who belong to college of education or completing a course of teaching. The results of this study were as followed: first, there were differences between male and female preliminary teachers in the gender role perception, specially in 'expected lyrics contribution ratio', 'career barriers'. But there were no differences in 'dual income status of parents', 'attitude about dual income status of parents', 'multiple role planning' and 'employment stereotypes of career barriers'. Second, women showed higher expectations of gender role including every lower measure. Third, the researchers tested the influence factors of gender role expectations. Finally, conclusions, implications and limitaions of the study were discussed.
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