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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Mediating Effects of Self-acceptance and Loneliness on the Relationship between Socially Prescribed Perfectionism and Depression among the Mothers with Infants or Toddlers


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of self-acceptance and loneliness on the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and depression of housewives with children in infancy and early childhood.. The participants of the study consisted of 356 mothers. The results are as follows: First, correlation analyses confirmed that socially prescribed perfectionism had a positive correlation with loneliness and depression, and a negative correlation with self-acceptance. Second, path analysis showed that socially prescribed perfectionism indirectly affected depression through self-acceptance and loneliness and directly affected depression, which supported a double mediation effect hypothesis. Third, the research model with a double mediation was compared with comparative model which has full mediations of self-acceptance and loneliness, the latter with better goodness-of-fit. Structural equation modeling analyses supported the hypothesized partial double mediation effects of self-acceptance and loneliness. Implications, limitations and suggestions of the findings were discussed.

socially prescribed perfectionism, depression, loneliness, self-acceptance, mothers with infants, 사회부과 완벽주의, 자기수용, 외로움, 우울, 주부



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology