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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Strategies for Stimulating Customer Relationship: A Study of Some Public and Private Sector Banks

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2013, v.11 no.3, pp.31-37
Kiran, Ravi
Sharma, Ridhima


Purpose - The present research has been undertaken to examine the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies adopted by public and private sector banks in India. The initial part of research helps to identify the factors of overall satisfaction of customers. The study also tries to identify the key determinants of CRM of Indian banking. Research design, data, methodology - The present research uses a self-structured questionnaire having a reliability score of 0.817 to elicit responses from customers in New Delhi and surrounding areas in India to examine the CRM used by public and private sector banks for enhancing customer satisfaction. The scale had 32 questions covering customer perceptions related to overall satisfaction and factors contributing to CRM. Results - The results highlight that overall satisfaction comprises of two factors namely personalised Services; and reliability and dependability. The determinants of CRM as identified through survey are: Speed, safety and security; Employee CRM; on time services; customer targeting; and friendly and helpful staff. The results also highlight that safety and security was preferred to other factors by the respondents. Conclusions - The findings of this study show that in terms of performance private sector banks fared better in providing CRM services than public sector banks.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Public And Private Sector Banks, Customer Satisfaction, India



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The Journal of Distribution Science