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Exploring the Antecedents Affecting Attitude, Satisfaction, and Loyalty towards Korean Cosmetic Brands

Exploring the Antecedents Affecting Attitude, Satisfaction, and Loyalty towards Korean Cosmetic Brands

The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS) / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2015, v.13 no.6, pp.45-70
Asgari, Omid (Delta Consulting Group (DCG))
Hosseini, Mehri Sadat (Delta Consulting Group (DCG))
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Purpose - This study's purpose is to examine the effects of the country-of-origin antecedents on overall attitudes and the impact of overall attitudes on satisfaction and loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology - This study provides useful insights into international female purchasing behavior in the cosmetic industry in South Korea. This study explores the elements of country-of-origin antecedents, (cultural interest, perception of brand image, perception of fashion, perception of product quality, perception of price, and perception of advertising), on overall attitudes as well as the effect of overall attitudes on satisfaction and loyalty. Results - The results show that the effects of such antecedents are significant. Additionally, the effect of overall attitudes on satisfaction and of satisfaction on loyalty were significant. Conclusions - The findings of this study provide some important practical implications. First, with customer brand awareness growing along with products standards, considering the concepts points of parities and points of differences, the Korean cosmetic industry should try to establish brand associations with natural organic ingredients in its cosmetic items, distinguishing them from the majority of non-Korean brands.

Attitude, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Country-of-Origin(COO), Brand Image



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