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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Industry Structure, Technology Characteristics, Technology Marketing and Performance of Technology -Based Start-ups: With Focus on Technology Marketing Strategy

The Journal of Distribution Science / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2016, v.14 no.2, pp.93-101
Han, Sang-Seol


Purpose - This study aims to advance our knowledge about factors influencing technical startup performance through analysing technical startup process empirically. This study was conducted to focus on industry structure(industry growth rate, competitive intensity, and enter barriers), technology characteristics(technical excellence and wide range of technical application), and the performance in the technology-based start-ups. Specifically, analyzing moderating effect of technology-marketing strategy, this studied how moderating variables affect technical startup performance under industry structure. Research design, data, and methodology - The subject of this study was technology-based start-ups company that received technology transfer from public organization. The development of the paper model is based on the literature of the preceding research analysis in technology commercialization, performance of technology-based start-ups, and marketing strategy. This study has a construct that was defined in the previous studies, such that technology marketing strategy was defined into the two ways of being broad or narrow in strategic application. From November 3. 2015 to December 22, 220 questionnaires were distributed with targeting to start-up companies in technology-based. 188 responses were collected for empirical analysis except the missing and wrong value responses. This data were used for structural equation modeling and regression analysis. Results - The results of this study are as follows. First, as industry structure variables influencing on performance(technical, financial) of technology-based start-ups, industry growth rate, competitive intensity and enter barriers of variables were verified; high growth rate has more positive effect on performance than low growth rate, competitive low intensity has more positive effect on performance than competitive high intensity, low enter barriers have more positive effect on performance than high enter barriers. Second, as technology characteristics variables influences on the performance(technical, financial) of technology-based start-ups, technical excellence and wide range of technical application of variables were verified ; technical high-excellence has more positive effect on performance than technology low-excellence, wide range of technical application has more positive effect on performance than narrow range of technical application. We also find that technology marketing strategy(broad/narrow) in moderating factors on performance (technical, financial) is as follows. Analyzing the moderating effect depending on technology marketing strategy(broad/narrow), application of technology, and the types of technology strategy(broad/narrow) were revealed that broad marketing strategy had a more significant effect on performance of technology-based start-ups. With AMOS, the relevancy of the study model revealed higher for broad technology-marketing strategy than narrow technology marketing strategy, and the explanatory power revealed to be 6.4% higher in broad marketing strategy than narrow marketing strategy. Conclusions - This study confirmed that industry structure and technology characteristics are important factors influencing the performance of technology-based start-ups. Technology-marketing strategy affects the performance of technology-based start-ups between industry structure and technology characteristics. According to additional analysis, moderating variables and technology-marketing strategy are important factors influencing the performance of technology-based start-ups under industry structure and technology characteristics. Broad type of technology-marketing strategy has more attractive industry structure and excellent technology characteristics than narrow types of technology-marketing.

Technology-based Start-ups, Industry Structure, Technology Characteristics, Technology-Marketing Strategy



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The Journal of Distribution Science