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구매자와 공급자 간 협력활동이 신뢰 및 성과에 미치는 영향: 거버넌스의 조절효과를 중심으로

Impacts of Buyer-Supplier Cooperation on Trust and Performance: Moderating Role of Governance Mechanism

The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS) / The Journal of Distribution Science, (P)1738-3110; (E)2093-7717
2016, v.14 no.8, pp.113-121
김경태 (Department of International Trade and Business, Kangwon National University)
량훼 (Department of International Trade and Business, Kangwon National University)
이정승 (School of Business, Hoseo University)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Purpose - This paper aims to examine the impact of buyer-supplier cooperation on suppliers' trust on buyers and the moderating role of buyers' governance mechanism between the sharing activities and trust. Research design, data, and methodology - An integrated research model is designed to materialize the research hypotheses. First, the impact of buyer-supplier cooperation is empirically analyzed by looking into how the sharing activities, in the field of information, resource, and knowledge, of buyer with supplier will affect the trust of supplier on buyer. Second, the moderating effect of contract-based governance mechanism of buyer is empirically analyzed. Third, the influence of trust on innovation performance of suppler is empirically analyzed. Results - Our findings provide supporting evidence for some of our hypotheses. First, all of the sharing activities are significantly influential, but in different degree, to trust of supplier. Second, contract-based governance mechanism of buyer have a moderating effect on the relationship between sharing activities and trust, positively in resource-sharing activities, negatively in information-sharing activities, not significant in knowledge-sharing activities. Third, supplier's trust on buyer positively affects supplier's own innovation performance. Conclusions - The strategies applied in supply chain management have become important as the competition among firms has shifted from competition between individual firms to competition between supply chains. A customer's sharing activities with its supplier may contribute to an increase in innovation performance. The supplier's information-sharing activity with its customer could affect its information-sharing activities with its main supplier. Cooperative activity with a partner in the supply chain is cultivated and amassed into relationship knowledge, and this study shows that the cooperative relational knowledge related to information-sharing activities enables firms to participate in sharing activities with their main suppliers. Increasing evidence shows that sharing various activities between buyer and supplier improves trust and performance outcomes, and enables firms to maintain competitive advantage. From the perspective of knowledge theory, external knowledge is becoming more important in firms' innovation activities, because innovative knowledge is acquired primarily through interaction with another organization. In addition, relationship learning could be an important tool in absorbing the supplier's core technology, information, expertise, and core competencies, increasing relational value.

Buyer-Supplier Cooperation, Sharing Activities, Trust, Governance, Innovation



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The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS)